What We Do Networks Irish Refugee and Migrant Coalition The Irish Refugee Council is a leading member of the Irish Refugee and Migrant Coalition (IRMC), a coalition of Irish NGOs, set up in 2015, that seek to advance the rights and dignity of people on the move and those in need of international protection. The IRMC works collectively to ensure that migrants and those in need of refuge have access to safe and legal channels and will advance progressive solutions to positively impact their lives. The Coalition promotes social justice, equality and human rights responses in countries of origin, transit and within Ireland. It is committed to working in solidarity to ensure inclusive, empowering and participative approaches with the peoples affected. The Coalition is currently composed of the following organisations: ActionAid Ireland, Amnesty Ireland, Association of Missionaries and Religious of Ireland, Community Work Ireland, Christian Aid, Comhlámh, Crosscare, Cultúr Migrants Centre, Dóchas, Doras Luimní, ENAR Ireland, Immigrant Council of Ireland, Irish Refugee Council, Jesuit Refugee Service, Mercy International Association, Migrant Rights Centre Ireland, Mayo Intercultural Action, Nasc Ireland, National Women’s Council of Ireland, Oxfam Ireland, Places of Sanctuary, New Communities Partnership, Trócaire, and World Vision Ireland. The IMRC is funded by St Stephen's Green Trust and fees from the member organisations. The activities of the Coalition is guided and informed by its Members and is overseen by a Steering Committee. We are part of the IRMC Steering Committee along with the Migrant Rights Centre Ireland, Oxfam Ireland and Action Aid. We meet twice a year to provide input on the Coalition’s work plan, monitor progress and give feedback to advance the Coalitions key priorities and goals, outlined below. IMRC Goals Enable the Irish Refugee Migrant Coalition to lead the way and to dynamically respond to the global movement of people. Enhance safe and legal channels for those in need of protection in the EU and in Ireland. Develop community and participatory approaches to the integration of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees. Ensure Ireland, in its role in the EU and internationally, contributes to the management of people on the move in a manner that protects their dignity, respects human rights commitments, and allows for mobility. This includes advocating for human rights principles to be upheld in EU migration policy, Partnership Frameworks, and the EU-Trust Fund for Africa, and plays a responsible role in the Global Compacts on Refugees and Migration. Manage Cookie Preferences