Get Involved Partner with us By partnering with the Irish Refugee Council you are joining other businesses and organisations across the country in empowering people seeking protection with the services and supports they need to establish their lives in Ireland free from persecution, discrimination and harm. The Irish Refugee Council is a unique organisation which operates using a three- pronged approach; through our services, supports and advocacy and policy work, we work tirelessly to improve the lives of people seeking protection and refugees in Ireland Our work is guided by our core values of independence, human rights, inclusion, expertise and partnership. We work together with other organisations, businesses, activists and individuals for the best interests of people seeking protection Over the past five years, we have positively impacted the lives of over 100,000 people seeking protection and those with refugee status in Ireland We focus on an Integration from Day One model which is based on strong evidence that suggests the enormous benefits of providing integration supports (housing, employment, education, English language training) for both people seeking protection and the community in which they are living, ensuring that people are better placed to integrate and build an independent life in Ireland All of our work is developed in close consultation with those we work with and for; through our frontline services and supports people seeking international protection and those with refugee status are actively included in the work, development and direction of the organisation By supporting our work your organisation is expressing your values and vision; standing in solidarity with people fleeing persecution and helping to create a fair and inclusive society for all. Together we can improve the lives of all people seeking protection and those who now wish to call Ireland home. Our Impact We have assisted over 10,000 people through our Drop-in Centre and our Law Centre. Through our Housing Programme; 81 people have been directly accomodated in donated properties and 41 children now have homes; 53 people assisted moving out of Direct Provision and into rental accommodation; and 8 families have been reunited and are now living together Through our Employment Programme; 62 women received pre-employment training with 24 women securing full or part-time employment, including some who have set up their own businesses Over 150 people have been assisted onto further education through our Education Fund. What your support can do With your support we can continue to assist and support even more people seeking protection €10,000 can reunite 50 forcibly displaced children with their families We believe no child should be needlessly alone, separated from their families when it is within all of our power to reunite them. Your support will allow us to prepare applications for family reunification, organise evidence and prepare housing, schooling and other supports ahead of the family’s arrival. €5,000 can assist 20 people onto further education Education plays an empowering role in people's development, self-esteem and integration. It is also an investment in our future, in our country, in our progress. People seeking protection in Ireland also face a significant barrier of non-recognition of their previous qualifications. Your support of our Education work broadens access to higher education for people in the protection process. €2,000 can help find a home for 10 people at risk of homelessness In the midst of the housing crisis, the people we work with and for are at risk of racism, abuse, and often struggle to leave Direct Provision accommodation. Your support will allow us to find a home for people by preparing a housing application, looking for accommodation on their behalf, accompanying people on viewings, and negotiating with landlords. See our housing work for more information. €1,000 can provide holistic integration supports to individuals and families We believe integration for people seeking protection in Ireland should begin from day one in order to cultivate and nurture a sense of welcoming and belonging. Your support will go a long way in empowering those we work with and for with holistic supports including housing, employment, education, youth work, health, language support, community sponsorship. How you can help Make a tax efficient donation You can claim tax relief on charity donations as a trading expense Support our Integration from Day One programmes in: Housing Employment Education Fund Family Reunification Community Sponsorship Employee fundraising A great way for staff to work together and build team spirit. Check out our fundraising page for more information and ideas. Let your staff and customers how your are supporting people seeking protection in Ireland We can provide content for your website and help with other Corporate Social Responsibility or communications needs. Support in-kind & Pro-bono partnerships You can make it possible for us to assist even more people seeking protection in Ireland by supporting us with your organisation’s expertise and services in legal advice and representation; employment, business and entrepreneurship; communications, digital and media partnerships See how others are supporting us: Manage Cookie Preferences