On this page, you will find useful Guides, Videos, Websites, Maps and more for International Protection Applicants and Refugees in Ireland


  • Please Check our Nationwide Refugee Supports Map for supports in your area.

Employment & Education


 Asylum Process

  • Watch SVPs Video Series for International Protection Applicants, in English, Georgian, Somali etc.
  •  See Steps in the Asylum Process on the UNHCR website
  •  Read ICCL Know Your Rights guide – to better understand the asylum process and your rights


 Direct Provision (IPAS accommodation)

  •  Read IPAS House Rules – and be particularly aware of rules around overnight absences
  •  Be aware of the Ombudsman’s role and complaint mechanism


 Moving out of Direct Provision

The Irish Refugee Council holds regular workshops Applying for Social Housing and HAP/tenancy finding.  if you wish to attend, please send us an email in advance:

Family Reunification