The Movement of Asylum Seekers Ireland (MASI) is an independent platform for people seeking asylum to join together in unity and purpose. The collective seeks justice, freedom and dignity for all people seeking protection in Ireland.

MASI came together after the protests in the Direct Provision Centres in 2014 to establish a collective voice and collective action for all people seeking asylum in Ireland. MASI: 

  • Is the collective Movement of Asylum Seekers in Ireland, a platform for asylum seekers to join together in unity and purpose
  • Seeks justice, freedom and dignity for all asylum seekers.
  • Demands the end of direct provision, the right to work and education, and opposes deportation.
  • Is independent: it is not an NGO, it is not affiliated to any NGO or political party.
  • Is not funded and depends on personal resources and fundraising 
  • Believes in equality; all are of equal value and deserving of equal respect and dignity.
  • Is a democratic and collective; all decisions are made collectively, through discussion and agreement.
  • Has no ‘membership’; people are part of MASI through commitment and contribution to the collective work of the movement.
  • Has no organisational structures; structures can become rigid and hierarchical. MASI decides on tasks according to the nature of each action, and according to who is able to commit the time and energy needed at that time.

MASI works toward ending the current system of Direct Provision and fights for the right to work and education, residency for all in the system, and an end to the deportation regime. 

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