What We Do Services and Supports Youth Work Mind Yourself, A Mental Health Resource for Young People in the Asylum Process Mind Yourself is a project aimed at improving the mental health and well-being of young people seeking protection and living in Direct Provision in Ireland. Part of the project involved publishing a wellbeing resource for young people in the international protection process. The comic is produced by young people in the protection process with the support of two artists Sophie Daly and Andy Wielens. Additional graphic design was provided by Oonagh Young. It contains stories that capture the lives and experiences of young people seeking protection in Ireland and has everyday suggestions for improving mental health and wellbeing. A copy of the comic is available here. An audio summary is available here. Available in Issuu format https://issuu.com/nh98041614/docs/mind_yourself_comic. The Irish Refugee Council and project participants are very grateful to the following organisations for their support and guidance in developing this resource: Jigsaw Community Foundation for Ireland Fingal Arts Dublin City Council The project aims to: Raise awareness of mental health and well-being amongst young people seeking asylum Create youth-friendly resources aimed at improving and maintaining your mental health while living in Direct Provision Share these resources with young people living in Direct Provision through outreach and workshops To find out more about our Mind Yourself project get in touch with our Youth Worker, Aoife Dare Email Aoife Manage Cookie Preferences