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Our Policy and Advocacy work seeks to promote and protect the rights of refugees and people seeking protection in Ireland. We do this through exploring and researching the issues that affect our clients, working in partnership with those with lived experience, and making recommendations to government and policymakers to advocate for a fair, efficient, and effective international protection procedure in Ireland. This includes the legal process of making an application and related issues like integration support, specific and holistic approaches to vulnerable applicants, the right to access education and the labour market, and the right to receive material reception conditions as laid out in the Reception Conditions Directive.
Our research explores emerging issues, trends, and legislative changes at the domestic and EU level, and seeks to provide evidence-based, practical recommendations to Government, to ensure a safe, legal and human rights-based model is safeguarded for all those seeking protection in Ireland. We identify priority areas directly from those who access our services and endeavour to work in partnership with refugee lead organisations to represent their needs best.
Our policy and advocacy work includes collaboration with other civil society organisations and groups, often working on one specific goal, such as strengthening integration supports, advocating for the improved treatment of unaccompanied minors and other particularly vulnerable applicants, or calling for larger-scale structural reform such as ending Direct Provision.
We seek to provide well-evidenced alternatives and solutions and are guided at all times by our service clients and international best practice models. In addition, our policy, advocacy, and communications team work directly with national media, offering clarity and insight at critical moments and commenting publicly on issues that are detrimental to our clients or undermine the legal right to seek international protection.
We also coordinate the Asylum Support Network, which links community-based volunteer organisations, national NGOs and charities, and other groups working with refugees and people seeking international protection to achieve positive policy change, share information and improve access to services.
For more information:
Email Ciara