Media Centre Archive Increase in Direct Provision allowance 9 October 2018 - Today, the government announced an increase in the weekly payment for adults and children living in Direct Provision. This welcomed increase brings the allowance up to the amount recommended in 2015 by the McMahon Group report; from €21.60 to €38.80 for adults and to €29.80 for children. “The Irish Refugee Council welcomes today’s announcement as this payment, though small, is fundamental to ensuring a semblance of autonomy, dignity and normality in a highly institutionalised environment. We hope that this long overdue move to increase the allowance is the first of many changes that are needed in reception conditions for people seeking asylum.” “The Irish Refugee Council will continue to call for an alternative reception model to the current system of Direct Provision; a holistic approach that includes supports and services that protect people’s wellbeing and foster integration, which is driven by human rights principles rather than profit margins.” “There needs to be a shift to a new way of accommodating people: from a reactive, managed emergency style system delivered by private actors towards a long term, planned model delivered by non-profit bodies who are experts in housing and supporting vulnerable people.” - ENDS - Manage Cookie Preferences