Refugees arriving here have faced barriers at every stage of their journey, from being forced to undertake perilous journeys and unsafe methods of transport to dealing with near-constant threats to their overall health and wellbeing. The risk of being returned to their origin point and having to face persecution is real.

Increasingly though, these men, women and children are facing barriers at their destination, here in Dublin. These people don’t need more barriers, they just need some help.

At the Irish Refugee Council it is our mission to support and work with refugees and people seeking international protection in Ireland by delivering essential services, supporting their integration and inclusion, conducting research and advocacy for change, and sharing best practice.

We are also passionate about fighting the misinformation that surrounds the current inward flow of migration to the country. For answers to some of the most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on this issue, read on here and read the press release here

Download Abridged FAQ         Download Detailed FAQ           Read Press Release

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